5 Secrets to Manifest the Life You Want and Unlock Your Full Potential
Want to know the 5 secrets to manifest the life you want and unlock your full potential? These are tested secrets that you need to know about.

Ever feel like you’re stuck in life and feel like you’re not living up to your full potential? Feel like you’re capable of doing way more than what you’re doing currently in life? Wishing you could manifest the life that screams main character energy?
Yeah, I’ve been there. I was stuck in a shitty job that drove me insane, literally. I popped pills for the depression and anxiety regularly, I drank myself to sleep, I did all the therapy.. That was until I discovered the secrets that put me on the fast track to a life where I crafted the rules
In this blog post, I’m sharing the 5 secrets I learned that allowed me to manifest a romantic, movie-like, dreamy, flowy life living in my fullest potential. I’ll be covering:
- How I quit my job and manifested 2 years of travel around the world
- How acceptance can lead you closer to your dreams and potential
- How questioning the status quo can help you debunk all the rules society fed you and live life on you terms
- The top 2 tools to use to uncover your potential and start living in alignment
- How ritual and routine build the foundation of your most productive successful life.
- How to use visualization and meditation to meet your higher self
So, if you’re tired of being caught in the hamster wheel and step into your full potential lifestyle, then you’re in the right place. Let’s get started.
How I quit my job and manifested 2 years of travel around the world
I joined the tech industry at the age of 26 was so excited and eager to finally be in my career, but by 3 years into it I was mentally falling apart. I had severe depression, anxiety, brain fog, and memory loss from working 70 hour weeks and drinking to self soothe my symptoms.
I felt so trapped in the lifestyle that I had worked so hard to for myself.
Nice apartment with a view? Check.
Six-figured salaried job? Check.
300k worth of stock options from a company that just just went public? Check.
I had “the life”, and by American society standards, I was very successful. But my soul was dying inside and I was so unhappy. I wanted to quit my job so badly and travel around the world and do my own thing, but instead, I was trading my happiness and my soul for a paycheck and a lifestyle that I had to keep up with.
From the outside I oozed success, but the reality was I was too afraid to prioritize my own mental, physical, and emotional needs that directly connected to my joy, success, and vitality.
And then one day, I just couldn’t do it any more. I couldn’t take waking up depressed and full of anxiety every single day, nor could I take the panic attacks and anxiety attacks that came with it either.
I quit that job with only my savings account and hope. Hope that something better would come around for me. I had faith and held onto that faith like my life dependent on it.
That’s when I started to do more meditation, study esoteric spirituality, and dive head first into holistic and spiritual wellness to heal my mind, body and spirit. I needed something to comfort me as I took the most drastic leap of faith of my whole life, one that has shifted my life’s trajectory ten fold.
I left the country and went to live in Mexico, Colombia, United Kingdom, and New York— all places I had only fantasized about living in…and I was still working in my career job and making 6 figures. I knew I could live the life that I wanted, and so I ditched the status quo and made up my own rules that fit better for me.
Before I knew it, I saw how drastically my mindset shifted when I leaned into my desires and my full potential that I felt inside myself. I felt more open, expansive, I questioned my limiting beliefs, and created my own set of guiding principles for my life.
My life was full of more ease, softness, creativity, joy, love, happiness, and prosperity.
Today, I’m a changed woman. I feels as if I’ve completed a huge quest in my life and have closed a chapter. Leaving that crappy job and stepping out on faith to start and complete my quest put some of the best financial and career opportunities in front of me.
So here’s exactly what I learned, and how to implement it for yourself. This is exactly how to manifest the life you want and unlock your full potential to get what you want out of your life.
Secret #1: How acceptance can lead you closer to your dreams and full potential
In order to manifest your dreams and hit your full potential, you have to accept that something is wrong in or with your life. This is a very difficult and emotional thing to do and it’s going to require you to stop blaming external factors and start blaming yourself.
A word to sum this whole thing up is accountability. You need to be accountable for the reality you created, especially if you created a reality that makes you unhappy. That tension you hold within you stems from a fight between your heart/soul and your logical mind.
And that’s where the problem lies. You’re literally fighting with yourself. And so the secret here is start accepting the part you’ve played in the current quality of your life so your heart can start to become your internal GPS system. That’s when you start seeing your dreams come to fruition and like you’re actualized your full potential.
When I first heard the concept of acceptance, I didn’t think it would work for me. But when I implemented it into my life to accept the mess I made of it, I felt the biggest sigh of relief, a release of pent up emotions, and I made the first step towards changing my life.
I go even more in depth into how acceptance can lead to your biggest success in my blog post 3 Ways To Accept Your Mistakes In Life To Reach Prosperity
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Secret #2: How questioning the status quo can help you debunk all the rules society fed you and live life on you terms
Think of the areas of life that you’re struggling with where you want to manifest change and start to actualize your full potential and value within the world. What are your beliefs in those areas? Have you ever asked yourself why do you believe what you believe? Where did those beliefs come from? Who told you that your beliefs were facts and the norm?
Here’s the cold hard truth – many of your beliefs may not actually be true in reality, it’s just your truth at this moment. And those truths, aren’t factual. Your answer to those first set of questions at the beginning of this section represent your status quo and why you believe in them is where some of your limiting beliefs may come from.
And another big part of the secret is that society’s programming and conditioning are what make you believe what you believe.
Why? Because the way to convince the mind of literally anything is through these 3 things: repetition, frequency, intensity.
Another way to think of this programming is as control and who ever controls the media, controls the mind. Think about all of the messages you take in every day. How frequently you see them? How often are they repeated? How intensely are they delivered (especially in the social media age)?
Your reality and status quo is created for you based upon however society wants you to feel, believe, or succumb to. This, my dear friend, is not the true and real you.
The real you lies on the cusp of fear of sharing your most audacious and radical truth from your heart. What are you holding onto within yourself that’s bursting to come out? What is your truth? The answer to these questions give you a better idea of who you’re trying to become.
Secret #3: The top 2 tools to use to uncover your full potential and start living in alignment
The 2 tools I swear by to reach your highest human potential is Human Design and Gene Keys. This my most powerful secret yet. Because when you use these two modalities together, you unlock more than you could have ever imagined for yourself. You have a the map and the GPS to get you from the most annoying lackluster life to a life full of brilliance, radiance, and happiness.
Secrets 1 and 2 above? Human Design and Gene Keys will without a doubt shorten the time it takes to unravel yourself, find answers, create a plan, and implement it into your life. You’ll see immediate results, feel immediate change, and have immediate growth once you use these two tools together.
Secret #4: How ritual and routine build the foundation of your most productive successful life.
During my studies one of the beautiful truths I learned is that the foundation of all human life is meditation, ritual, and routine – these 3 activities give you the sturdiness you need to withstand life’s most trying times .
Rituals and routines are the quiet powerhouses behind a happy, rich, and successful life. They provide structure and create a sense of control in the midst of life’s unpredictability.
A well-crafted routine frees up mental energy, allowing you to focus on bigger tasks and decisions. Your routines should be spiritual in nature and what that looks like is up to you. and what you do in your spiritual practice is whatever calls to you.
Rituals, on the other hand, bring intention to daily actions and transform the mundane into moments of mindfulness and clarity every day. Rituals do the amazing hard work of reprogramming your mind and it’s autopilot ability in order to create positive action.
Together, they establish consistency, which is key to achieving long-term results. Whether it’s a morning routine that sets the tone for the day or a wind-down ritual that promotes rest, these habits anchor your success, making you more efficient and focused.
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Secret #5: How to use visualization and meditation to meet your higher self
Visualization and meditation are wildly powerful tools, especially when you put them into a spiritual routine to meet your higher self.
Okay so hold up – don’t roll your eyes just yet.
I know, I know, maybe you’re thinking..
“Oh no, not another woo woo spiritual girlie preaching meditation…been there, tried it, don’t work for me boo. NEXT!”
Before you start putting up those walls girl, hear me out.
I had the same mental blocks, but you know what? I tried it anyway..because I have an open mind and my life was in shambles enough to give any thing a try. And you know what? I saw results.
When I first did a visualized meditation to meet my higher self I saw myself..but the version of who I wanted to be.
For the first time I didn’t just feel like I was made for more, I saw what I could become. It gave me a very definitive goal to reach and every day I work towards that goal. Everything from how my hair looks, to the clothes that I wear, to how much I exercise…all of that came out of a visualized meditation.
To supercharge your meditation practice, try meditating with some binaural beats (which is my absolute favorite way to do it). To be honest, I listen to binaural beats pretty frequently because of it’s ability to increase creativity and cognitive ability, while also reducing any anxiety. It’s honestly so soothing.
Taking action
Once I learned all of these secrets and implemented them into my daily life. I finally started to feel real fulfillment in life. I found the courage to leave the crappy job, I pursued my passion for travel and exploration, my mental health is in the best condition it has ever been in my adult life, and I feel very certain of my future and work towards those goals daily.
And girl, I really I want this for you, too! For far too long I see so many of my friends fall trap to the matrix and stay stagnant, stuck, and in a funk for years and I really don’t want those things for you.
So, if you’re ready to ditch the unhappy, lackluster version of yourself and transform into the most luxurious and esteemed version of your self…I urge you to get started with your transformation now while it’s only $39 – the lowest price it will ever be. Click here to get started!
Even If you’re not ready to go all in on the transformation of your life, I have something that will help you take the first step towards reaching your full potential and manifesting the life you want. Get my FREE 5 Day Reclaim Your Life Email Challenge! Use the form below to get INSTANT access to this life-changing course and rewire your brain so you can reach your most dreamiest, romantic, vibrant life.